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10-Step Sleeper Dress

Sweet pea Sleeper Dress

With the remaining fabric, from the onesie and pair of pants, I created an adorable sleeper dress. Below is a quick tutorial to guide you through the simple process. I hope you enjoy and create something special.

To Begin:


Step 1:

Measure garment from shoulders to bottom of feet.

Step 2:

Take a shirt that fits well and trace 1" outline around the garment. Use previous measurements to determine how long the dress will be. To make the fold-overs on the shoulder, make a point as shown above.


Step 3:

Make a front and a back. Note: The collar on the back side comes up almost 1" higher than the front side.
Step 4:

Create a 1/2" hem on both collars and both bottoms by pinning and sewing each.

Step 5:
With right sides of fabric facing each other, sew sides from heart to heart. Trim excess fabric to reduce bulk.

Step 6: 

With fabric still inside-out, fold pointed flaps over. The back flaps go on the inside and the front flaps go on the outside. Pin in place.

Step 7:

Create a sleeve by using the arm hole as a guide. Allow for a 1/4" seam on the underarm as well as a 1/2" hem on the cuff. *Note: The top of the sleeve was placed on the fabric fold, making a tube when sewn on the bottom.
Trace and cut the first sleeve, on the fabric fold again, to make the other sleeve.

Step 8:

With sleeve inside-out, pin and sew a 1/2" hem on the cuff of both sleeves. Pin and sew a 1/4" seam on the bottom of both sleeves. Keep sleeves inside-out.

 Step 9:

Pin sleeve to arm hole on dress, lining up the seam on bottom. Tuck sleeve into dress for easier sewing. Sew a 1/4" seam around- ensuring that all layers are sewn. Trim any excess fabric. Repeat for other sleeve.

Step 10:

Turn right-side-out, wash and enjoy!

Don't be afraid to try this at home. It was really easy and took maybe an hour! I encourage any and all feedback.
Thank you, as always, for reading. -Racheal ;-)
Lily Eileen